Start of production
About Us
Design and assembly of standard or customized linear modules using specialized personnel and material of our own design from companies qualified in alloy extrusion for transmission organs, the best in the various product sectors.
A flexible production choice, which allows us to operate within certain timeframes, to respect customized needs and requests.
✔ It also allows a functional assembly, first virtually with 3D modelling, then physically on the bench to avoid any inconsistencies.
LITEK is a trademark owned by Linearteck s.r.l.
A leading company in the sale of components for Linear and Rotary movement, Power and Motion Transmission.
LITEK products are manufactured at the Linearteck production site.
Full operating systems, with low maintenance needed, to guarantee maximum operability.
For over 30 years we have set ourselves the goal of providing quality Linear Modules at low costs, products with infinite combinations and customization possibilities.
Over 40 standard models, versatile modular linear products, suitable for the most varied uses and multiple combinations, with the possibility of interfacing them with reducers or motors of many brands, ranging over different functional typologies, with various degrees of protection.
Start of production
Moved to the new warehouse
Production enhancement
New tools for 3D design
ISO 9001 certification
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+39 051 4145011
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